Ask Lawlink

Welcome to the Ask Lawlink page, where you can find valuable links and resources related to legal consultation, contract review, and trademark registration. Whether you have a question about a specific legal issue or need guidance on how to protect your intellectual property, Lawlink has you covered.

Tax Sources

Check here AADE website, where you can find all information regarding taxation fees and laws.


Legal Entity for my business

Here is the Greek Government's guide to the legal forms of businesses you can initiate in Greece:


Trademark Registration

Protect your brand and intellectual property with our trademark registration services. 

Browse the follwing link to get acquainted with intellectual property:


Laws about consumer protection that you need to be aware

Here is a list of laws about consumer protection, that is issued by the Greek Ministry of Development & other sources:



A breath of optimism

Enough with law! Now it's time to take a break and get a optimistic push on your business dreams!


Contact Lawlink for all your legal needs

Get in touch with our team of experts for fast and reliable legal consultation, contract review, and trademark registration services.